Category Archives: Events
QualiChain presented in Madeira
The Madeira Digital Health and Wellbeing is an initiative of the SRS and UNINOVA, that features demonstrations of the technological solutions developed in projects funded by the European Union (EU) currently available and implemented in the Madeira Island, making all key stakeholders aware of the concept of health and wellbeing, as well as future developments […]
ASEP presents QualiChain to postgraduate students
In the context of a web presentation that took place on May 18, postgraduate students in the Master program in Informatics of the University of Piraeus in Athens, had the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the potential of Βlockchain technology and its innovative features, as well as with the specific goals of the QualiChain research […]
QualiChain at the OERxDomains Conference
The OERxDomains Conference took place online on April 21-22 as a special edition of the 12th annual conference for Open Education research, practice and policy. The conference was organised by the Association for Learning Technology in partnership with Reclaim Hosting’s Domains Conference, thus incorporating a special strand hosted by the Domains Conference and bringing two communities together. This year’s […]
QualiChain at the European Blockchain Convention 2021
QualiChain has attended the European Blockchain Convention that took place online on April 12-16. The European Blockchain Convention is the leading Blockchain Conference for Business in Europe, attracting tech leaders, regulators, investors, corporations, developers and entrepreneurs from the Blockchain industry. The mission of this event is to provide world-class content in collaboration with the brightest minds […]
QualiChain presented at the General Assembly of the Hellenic Blockchain Hub
On March 30 2021, QualiChain was presented in the context of the annual General Assembly of the Hellenic Blockchain Hub. Dr. Panagiotis Kokkinakos provided a short overview of the QualiChain project, while Panagiotis Zarafidis presented the QualiChain pilot lead by HeP/ASEP. The event participants expressed high interest on QualiChain in general, and the HeP/ASEP pilot […]
QualiChain at the ARI Digital Show 2020
The ARI Digital Show is an event hosted annually by Atos Research and Innovation to present our experience and achievements resulting from our work in research projects. Due to the current pandemic crisis, this year the Digital Show went virtual and this gave us the chance to open it to the whole Atos community. The […]
ASEP meets with University students to present QualiChain
ASEP (Hellenic Parliament’s linked 3rd party) gave a web presentation on December 21, 2020 titled “Blockchain Applications & QualiChain”. The event was organised by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Student Branch at University of Western Macedonia in Kozani, in collaboration with ASEP’s Software Department. Its purpose was to present the key aspects […]
ASEP participates in Blockchain in Business Conference
On December 2, 2020 ASEP (Hellenic Parliament’s linked 3rd party) participated in a web conference titled “Blockchain in Business 2020” organised by the Hellenic Blockchain Hub and Boussias Communications where QualiChain and the Greek pilot were presented as an example of blockchain implementation in the public sector. Its objective was to highlight the prospects and […]
HeP-ASEP pilot at eLmL 2020
ASEP participated in the Twelfth International Conference on Mobile, Hybrid, and On-line Learning (eLmL 2020) that took place on November 21, 2020 to November 25, 2020 in Valencia, Spain. Due to the Covid pandemic, ASEP participated virtually with a video, where ASEP’s Board Member, Foteini Bompoti, in the context of a special track organised by the […]
Keynote and Special Track at eLmL 2020
The 12th International Conference on Mobile, Hybrid, and On-line Learning (eLmL 2020) took place online on November 21-25, 2020. eLmL is bringing together federated views on mobile learning, hybrid learning and online learning. The conference is dedicated to educators, eLearning experts, and students to exchange their ideas, experiences and lessons learned in different facets of modern learning. Alexander […]