On November 27 2020, representatives of the QualiChain project met with representatives of the H2020 projects DE4A and KRAKEN, with the objective to enable cross-fertilisation of ideas, share lessons-learnt and identify potential synergies that may arise. All 3 projects will provide, amongst others, decentralised solutions with the ability to share and verify individual qualifications while respecting the individual’s privacy.
The meeting initiated discussions between the 3 projects on potential synergies and collaborative work moving forward. Several areas for collaboration were identified, especially in the pilots conducted by all projects, as well as in GDPR issues. The 3 projects will continue to be in close communication and will be sharing their technological and piloting outcomes.
DE4A (Digital Europe for All) is validating a comprehensive, holistic, flexible, EU-scalable approach to develop and demonstrate the potential and benefits of securely sharing relevant-only data once-only across digital-by-default, common shared services in line with users’ expectations of giving them access to public services online and making online public services more trustworthy and secure (EU citizenship consultation of 2015). DE4A takes the reality as its starting ground – the needs and the capacities of the Member States, ensures compliance with all relevant regulations (SDGR, GDPR, eIDAS, Services Directive, among others) as well as EU and MS strategic eGovernment and Single Market goals and aims to transform governance towards open collaboration and innovation, adaptable to depart from the variety of current environments.
KRAKEN (BroKeRage and MArKet platform for pErsoNal data) is developing a trusted and secure personal data platform with state-of-the-art privacy aware analytics methods (with guarantees on metadata privacy, including query privacy). KRAKEN aims to enable the sharing, brokerage, and trading of potentially sensitive personal data, by returning the control of this data to citizens (data providers) throughout the entire data lifecycle. KRAKEN will standardize different IT solutions thanks to featuring the (privacy-preserving) integration of independently obtained data sources from subjects consenting to different analyses. The project combines, interoperates, and extends the best results from two existing mature computing platforms developed within two H2020 actions: CREDENTIAL and MyHealthMyData.