The consortium of the QualiChain project held an online plenary meeting on January 25-26, 2021. Representatives from all project partners joined the meeting to discuss the latest project developments and plan their next activities. The QualiChain project targets the creation, piloting and evaluation of a decentralised platform for storing, sharing and verifying education and employment qualifications. The project focuses on the assessment of the potential of blockchain technology for disrupting the domain of public education, as well as its interfaces with private education, the labour market, public sector administrative procedures and the wider socio-economic developments.
The main focus of this meeting was on planning the activities of the third and final year of the project. In particular, the project partners are working towards the public release of the QualiChain platform, which will offer decentralised services for a variety of contexts and use cases dictated by the pilots of the project. As soon as the platform is released, the pilots of the project will be deploying and evaluating the platform with real users in a variety of educational and employment contexts. The project partners will also be focusing their outreach efforts towards establishing the QualiChain brand via targeted dissemination and communication activities, as well as various exploitation, standardisation and collaboration initiatives.