Author Archives: QualiChain

QualiChain at EDCON 2019

The 7th International Big Data & Analytics Education Conference (EDCON), is taking place on June 3-4 in Maryland, USA. EDCON brings together experts from Big data and education to discuss novel solutions from the areas of Big data analytics, knowledge representation, Artificial Intelligence, and cognitive computing. In the context of the EU H2020 project QualiChain, […]

New study: Blockchain for Digital Government

One of the key foundations of the QualiChain project is taking advantage of Blockchain ledgers as decentralised, permanent, unalterable stores of information that can help with the archiving and trust issues in education, as well as provide a frictionless method for transacting with others. Blockchain is at the forefront of research initiatives and projects all […]

Meet the QualiChain partners: Simon Scerri

We continue the series of QualiChain partner interviews with Simon Scerri, Senior Researcher in Fraunhofer IAIS, Germany. Simon leads the Big Data Management and Value Extraction competence area at Fraunhofer IAIS, which explores Linked Data applications to support Data Value Chains and realise various data infrastructures. In 2011, Simon received his Ph.D. from the Faculty […]

QualiChain featured in international high-profile events

During the past few weeks, the QualiChain project has been featured in several prominent and high-profile events internationally. At the end of April, the Blockchain Expo took place at the Olympia Grand in London with over 8,000 participants. John Domingue (The Open University, UK) gave a Keynote on applying blockchains to lifelong learning. The event […]

QualiChain meets in Lisbon

The consortium of the QualiChain project has met in Lisbon, Portugal on May 9-10. This has been the first plenary face-to-face meeting of the project, after its kick-off meeting in January 2019. Representatives from all project partners spent two days discussing the latest project developments and planning their next activities. The next plenary face-to-face meeting […]

Meet the QualiChain partners: Pilar Pérez Berganza

In this QualiChain partner interview, we talk to Pilar Pérez Berganza, Business consultant in Atos, Spain. Pilar graduated in Advertising and Public Relations (University of Barcelona, Spain) and is also certified in PBA® (Certified Professional Business Analysis) by the Project Management Institute PMI®. Pilar has more than ten years of work experience in R&D business […]

Meet the QualiChain partners: Sérgio Guerreiro

We continue our series of QualiChain partner interviews with Sérgio Luís Proença Duarte Guerreiro. Sérgio is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon (IST/UL), Portugal, acting in the Information Systems scientific area. He is also a researcher at the INESC-ID, IDSS (Information and […]

Meet the QualiChain partners: Panagiotis Kokkinakos

We start this series of interviews with Panagiotis Kokkinakos. Panagiotis is a Project Manager and Research Associate at the Decision Support Systems Laboratory (DSSLab) of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA). He holds a MSc. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens, an MBA in Techno-Economic Systems and a […]

Meet the QualiChain partners

Would you like to know more about the work and vision of the QualiChain project partners? In the coming weeks, we will be featuring a series of interviews from representatives of each project partner. In these interviews, our project partners will talk about their role in the project and how this relates to their background […]

The Open University has been awarded a Fellowship of the British Blockchain Association

Last week, John Domingue (The Open University, UK) was awarded a Fellowship of the British Blockchain Association. As stated on the British Blockchain Association website, an award of the Fellowship is “recognition of exceptional achievement and contribution to Blockchain research and allied disciplines”. Additionally, recognition through a Fellowship demonstrates a “commitment to excellence, leadership, advancing […]