UPDATE: This event has been cancelled because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Alexander Mikroyannidis (The Open University, UK) will be delivering a hands-on workshop at the 16th EATEL Summer School on Technology Enhanced Learning (JTELSS), which will take place on May 23-30, 2020 in Sani, Halkidiki, Greece. The summer school is a flagship event of the European Association of Technology Enhanced Learning (EATEL). It provides a stimulating learning environment where participants get opportunities to develop research skills, increase their knowledge base, collaborate with others in their own and complementary research areas, engage in debate, have access to experts in the field, and discuss their own work.
Alexander’s workshop will investigate the potential of the Blockchain to decentralise education. Through group activities and discussions, participants will explore the different scenarios that place the learner in control of the learning process and its associated data via the use of Blockchain technology. The ways that ePortfolios, accreditation, tutoring, as well as other aspects of teaching and learning can evolve within a decentralised ecosystem based on the Blockchain will be discussed. Participants will also have the opportunity to try out and evaluate the tools offered by the QualiChain project for the award and verification of decentralised qualifications.