Category Archives: Publications
Openness in Education as a Praxis: From Individual Testimonials to Collective Voices
Alexander Mikroyannidis (The Open University, UK) has co-authored a journal editorial on the current state and the future of openness in education. The editorial is entitled “Openness in Education as a Praxis: From Individual Testimonials to Collective Voices” and has been published in the latest issue of the Open Praxis journal. This has been a […]
Deadline extension for the QualiChain Special Issue
The QualiChain project is organising a special issue on Blockchain-Based Decentralised Solutions for Learner Empowerment, Education Reengineering and Public Sector Transformation. The special issue will be published in the new Elsevier journal Blockchain: Research and Applications. This is a peer reviewed, open access journal. Authors do not have to pay any open access publication fee. The submission […]
QualiChain organises Special Journal Issue
The QualiChain project is organising a special issue on Blockchain-Based Decentralised Solutions for Learner Empowerment, Education Reengineering and Public Sector Transformation. This special issue will be published in the new Elsevier journal Blockchain: Research and Applications. This special issue explores how learner empowerment, education reengineering and public sector transformation can be achieved via blockchain-based decentralised solutions. […]
QualiChain articles at the International Journal on Advances in Intelligent Systems
The latest issue of the International Journal on Advances in Intelligent Systems has been published and includes 5 articles from QualiChain project partners. These articles have been invited and are extended versions of the papers published in the proceedings of the QualiChain Special Track, organised in the context of the 12th International Conference on Mobile, Hybrid, […]
QualiChain at eLmL 2020: NTUA publications
The Twelfth International Conference on Mobile, Hybrid, and On-line Learning (eLmL 2020) will take place on November 21, 2020 to November 25, 2020 in Valencia, Spain as well as in a digital format to accommodate researchers and scientists during the Covid pandemic. Under the context of that conference, a special track has also been organised […]
Supporting Lifelong Learning with Blockchain Technology
Blockchain technology provides a decentralised peer-to-peer infrastructure, supporting openness, transparency, accountability, identity management and trust. As such, the Blockchain has the potential to revolutionise education in a number of ways. Blockchain technology offers opportunities to thoroughly rethink how we find educational content and training services online, how we register and pay for them, as well […]
QualiChain Special Track Proceedings
The proceedings of the QualiChain Special Track on “Decentralised Qualifications on the Blockchain” have been published and are available online. Project partners have contributed 6 papers that describe the context and goals of the QualiChain pilots, the key research questions driving the evaluation of the pilots, as well as the overall framework of the project. […]