Category Archives: News
Blockchain and Smart Contracts course
Miguel Correia (INESC-ID, Portugal) is going to teach the second edition of a course on Blockchain and Smart Contracts, after the success of the first edition last year. A joint initiative of Técnico+ and Católica-Lisbon, with collaboration from INESC-ID, the course provides a 30-hour introduction to the topic. The first half of the course presents […]
QualiChain passes first review with flying colours
The first formal review of the QualiChain project took place on June 18th, 2020. The review was held online and was attended by representatives from all project partners, the Project Officer, two external reviewers, as well as DG CONNECT representatives. The review was a complete success, with the reviewers and the Project Officer commending the […]
Overview of Horizon 2020 projects on “ICT-enabled Public Sector Innovation”
A new report has been published by the European Commission, presenting the projects that have received funding on the topic of “ICT-enabled Public Sector Innovation”. In the 2016-2017 period, 13 projects have received nearly €49 million EU funding via four calls for proposals and two research and innovation topics supporting ICT–based solutions for migration and […]
New study: Blockchain for Digital Government
One of the key foundations of the QualiChain project is taking advantage of Blockchain ledgers as decentralised, permanent, unalterable stores of information that can help with the archiving and trust issues in education, as well as provide a frictionless method for transacting with others. Blockchain is at the forefront of research initiatives and projects all […]
The Open University has been awarded a Fellowship of the British Blockchain Association
Last week, John Domingue (The Open University, UK) was awarded a Fellowship of the British Blockchain Association. As stated on the British Blockchain Association website, an award of the Fellowship is “recognition of exceptional achievement and contribution to Blockchain research and allied disciplines”. Additionally, recognition through a Fellowship demonstrates a “commitment to excellence, leadership, advancing […]