Author Archives: QualiChain

QualiChain meets virtually

The consortium of the QualiChain project has met virtually on September 30 – October 1, 2020. Representatives from all project partners joined MS Teams to discuss the latest project developments and plan their next activities. The QualiChain project targets the creation, piloting and evaluation of a decentralised platform for storing, sharing and verifying education and […]

QualiChain at ICL2020

The 23rd International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL2020) took place online on September 23-25. This interdisciplinary conference is focused on the exchange of relevant trends and research results, as well as the presentation of practical experiences in Interactive Collaborative Learning and Engineering Pedagogy. Alexander Mikroyannidis (The Open University, UK) delivered a hands-on workshop entitled “Decentralising Education […]

QualiChain at the European Blockchain Convention

QualiChain attended the virtual European Blockchain Convention on September 21-22. The European Blockchain Convention is the leading Blockchain Conference for Business in Europe, attracting tech leaders, regulators, investors, corporations, developers and entrepreneurs from the Blockchain industry. The mission of this event is to provide world-class content in collaboration with the brightest minds in the space, […]

Blockchain and Smart Contracts course

Miguel Correia (INESC-ID, Portugal) is going to teach the second edition of a course on Blockchain and Smart Contracts, after the success of the first edition last year. A joint initiative of Técnico+ and Católica-Lisbon, with collaboration from INESC-ID, the course provides a 30-hour introduction to the topic. The first half of the course presents […]

QualiChain at BRAINS 2020

Diogo Serranito, Andre Vasconcelos, Sergio Guerreiro and Miguel Correia (INESC-ID, Portugal) presented the QualiChain project and their paper Blockchain Ecosystem for Verifiable Qualifications at the 2nd Conference on Blockchain Research & Applications for Innovative Networks and Services (BRAINS 2020), which was held online on September 28-30, 2020. The authors discussed the ways that their proposal […]

Supporting Lifelong Learning with Blockchain Technology

Blockchain technology provides a decentralised peer-to-peer infrastructure, supporting openness, transparency, accountability, identity management and trust. As such, the Blockchain has the potential to revolutionise education in a number of ways. Blockchain technology offers opportunities to thoroughly rethink how we find educational content and training services online, how we register and pay for them, as well […]

QualiChain at the ALT Summer Summit 2020

The first virtual Summer Summit of the Association for Learning Technology (ALT) took place on August 26-27, 2020. The event was a great success, with over 300 participants joining from 25 countries. The event’s theme was exploring Learning Technology in a time of crisis, care and complexity. Participants explored the themes of crisis, care and […]

QualiChain presented to the W3C Credentials Group

On July 13th 2020, QualiChain was presented to the W3C Credentials Community Group by representatives from the Open University. John Domingue, Allan Third, Alexander Mikroyannidis, Niaz Chowdhury and Mano Ramachandran joined a conference call between all members of the W3C group and presented their latest work on Verifiable Credentials and Blockchains. In particular, Alexander Mikroyannidis […]

QualiChain passes first review with flying colours

The first formal review of the QualiChain project took place on June 18th, 2020. The review was held online and was attended by representatives from all project partners, the Project Officer, two external reviewers, as well as DG CONNECT representatives. The review was a complete success, with the reviewers and the Project Officer commending the […]

Blockchain-based COVID-19 digital immunity passport

On May 19, researchers from the Open University (OU) delivered a webinar about the world’s first digital application to certify COVID-19 immunity test results. The Open Blockchain team, led by Professor John Domingue, have developed a prototype mobile phone app that enables instant verification of tamper-proof coronavirus test results and vaccination certificates. Speaking about this […]