Author Archives: QualiChain
Participate in the Portuguese QualiChain pilot
In the context of the QualiChain project, we ask for your collaboration by participating in the Portuguese QualiChain pilot and testing the results obtained. For this, we ask you to perform the following three steps, in order to allow us to understand your opinion before and after using the developed system: Step 1. – Fill the horizontal […]
QualiChain at the Innovate Learning Summit 2021
The Innovate Learning Summit took place online on November 9-11, 2021. The conference was organised by the Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education and was attended by over 600 participants from more than 40 countries. The Innovate Learning Summit provides a unique forum for education and training professionals to discuss the latest research, development, applications, […]
Watch the new QualiChain video
A brand new video has been produced by the QualiChain project to explain what the project is about and what it offers. This short animated video provides an overview of the project objectives, as well as the main stakeholders targeted by the project. Additionally, the video introduces the project pilots conducted in the 4 key […]
QualiChain meets with the IMPULSE, HECAT and CO3 projects
On October 28, 2021 an online meeting was held between representatives of the QualiChain, IMPULSE, HECAT, and CO3 projects, which are funded under the EU Horizon 2020 programme DT-TRANSFORMATIONS-02-2018-2019-2020 – Transformative impact of disruptive technologies in public services. During this meeting, the project representatives presented their respective projects and discussed potential areas of collaboration. Several such […]
ASEP meets with CHAISE project members
On October 5 2021, ASEP met online with members from the Greek team of the European research project CHAISE in order to present QualiChain. The Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs is one of the project’s partners. Ιn this context, Sandra Tirovola and Eleni Kakna, IT and Computer Science teachers in secondary education, met with […]
New Badged Open Course: Decentralising Education Using Blockchain Technology
Alexander Mikroyannidis (The Open University, UK) has developed the new badged open course: Decentralising Education Using Blockchain Technology. The course introduces Blockchain technology and its potential for decentralising and transforming education. The course also presents the work carried out by the QualiChain project for the decentralised management and verification of education and employment qualifications, specifically […]
QualiChain presented at ICL2021
The 24th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL2021) took place as a hybrid event on September 22-24, 2021. This interdisciplinary conference is focused on the exchange of relevant trends and research results, as well as the presentation of practical experiences in Interactive Collaborative Learning and Engineering Pedagogy. Alexander Mikroyannidis (The Open University, UK) presented […]
QualiChain at the ALT Annual Conference 2021
The ALT Annual Conference took place online on September 7-9, 2021. The conference was organised by the Association for Learning Technology and was attended by nearly 400 participants from 24 countries. This year’s conference offered an opportunity to bring together educators, learners, managers, senior leaders and policy writers, in order to reflect on the shared experience from […]
The QualiChain consortium meets online
The QualiChain project consortium met online on September 7-8, 2021. Representatives from all project partners joined the 2-day meeting to discuss the latest project developments and plan their next activities. The QualiChain project targets the creation, piloting and evaluation of a decentralised platform for storing, sharing and verifying education and employment qualifications. The project focuses […]
QualiChain presented to the first academic course on Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies in Greece
Α web presentation took place on June 29, 2021 titled “Blockchain Applications & QualiChain” organized by the Center for Training and Lifelong Learning of Panteion University and ASEP, in the context of the first academic course on Blockchain and cryptocurrencies. Its purpose was to present the key aspects of Blockchain technology, its broad applications in […]