On July 13th 2020, QualiChain was presented to the W3C Credentials Community Group by representatives from the Open University. John Domingue, Allan Third, Alexander Mikroyannidis, Niaz Chowdhury and Mano Ramachandran joined a conference call between all members of the W3C group and presented their latest work on Verifiable Credentials and Blockchains. In particular, Alexander Mikroyannidis presented an overview of the QualiChain project, its scope and objectives, as well as the pilot conducted by the Open University on lifelong learning. The slides from this presentation are available here.
The mission of the W3C Credentials Community Group is to explore the creation, storage, presentation, verification and user control of credentials. The group focuses on a verifiable credential created by an issuer about a subject (a person, group, or thing) and seeks solutions inclusive of approaches, such as self-sovereign identity, presentation of proofs by the bearer, data minimisation, as well as centralised, federated and decentralised registry and identity systems. The group is drafting and incubating Internet specifications for further standardisation and prototyping and testing reference implementations.