
Welcome to the latest newsletter of the QualiChain project. During these challenging times, we are exploring alternative ways to raise awareness and collect feedback about our work, for example through online hands-on workshops. Read the news stories below about our latest activities.

QualiChain at the 9th eSTEeM conference
The 9th eSTEeM conference took place online on April 29-30, 2020. The conference is organised annually by the Open University, UK. Entitled “Informing Student Success – From Scholarship to Practice”,…
QualiChain Special Track Proceedings
The proceedings of the QualiChain Special Track on “Decentralised Qualifications on the Blockchain” have been published and are available online. Project partners have contributed 6 papers that describe the context…
QualiChain meets in Athens
The consortium of the QualiChain project has met in Athens, Greece on February 19-20, 2020. Representatives from all project partners spent two days discussing the latest project developments and planning…
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